The Action: I pronounce, write the name of eighty persons. I remember their words. Words about Time.
Why Time? Because today luxury has to do with Time.
What is then Time at Torre Coccaro? An extended, continuous, physiological experience. It is the possibility to take Time. Who produces Time? A Machine. An exact, soundless imperceptible organism.. Eighty persons.
How long have you been with the Machine? Three weeks.
What’ s happened? We talked about Time. And then the Machine started to talk about time without me.        V.V.

La Macchina che Produce il Tempo is an action in the frame of a residency in a luxury hotel. Invited by Galleria Marilena Bonomo to think to a site specificities work, the artist conceived an action that reveals the people behind the luxury, the workers which offers free time to the guests. La Macchina che Produce il Tempo is also a video. The camera is fixed; only two elements mark the passage of time: the wind that sways one end of the paper roll and the shadow of a tree that appears and disappears on a white wall.

Curated by: Galleria Marilena Bonomo

Produced by:  Masseria Torre Coccaro, Savelletri (Br)  Bari, in the frame of the residency Ottobrata. The work now it is part of the permanent collection of the Masseria.

The work was also presented at Museo del Sannio, Benevento in the context of Premio Razzano 2010, and then in Rome at Auditorium- Spazio Arte in 2012.

Thanks to Lino Sinibaldi e Antonella Spano